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Dialogues dataminés : Bwonsamdi, Derek Portvaillant et les Vulperas

Lundi 29 oct. 2018 à 12h22, par

dialogues datamines : bwonsamdi, derek portvaillant et les vulperas

De nouveaux dialogues ont été dataminés sur le PTR du patch 8.1 par nos confrères de Wowhead. Ces derniers sont en lien avec l'intervention de Bwonsamdi durant la bataille de Dazar'alor et la campagne militaire de la Horde.

En effet, suite à l'attaque de l'Alliance, Sylvanas souhaite faire revenir Derek Portvaillant en tant que Réprouvé. Plus que jamais, les actes de la Reine Banshee sont contestés dans son propre camp.

Découvrez les informations principales au sujet des nouveaux dialogues. Notez que l'histoire de Saurcroc évolue également au cours du patch Flots de la vengeance. Attention, cet article contient des spoilers.


Derek Portvaillant

  • Suite à la mort de Rastakhan, Sylvanas souhaite transformer Derek Portvaillant en Réprouvé.
  • L'objectif de la Reine Banshee est de faire souffrir la famille Portvaillant.
  • Baine s'oppose fermement à son plan.
  • Sylvanas ressuscite tout de même Derek.
  • Thomas Zelling a honte d'avoir participé à tout cela.
  • Pour Talanji, voir Sylvanas relever Derek est comme voir Zul relever Rezan.
Baine et Sylvanas

Baine: Sylvanas!
Baine: What reason could you possibly have for this madness?!
Sylvanas: Derek Proudmoore was a hero to the Kul Tirans.
Sylvanas: And once his mind has been properly conditioned, we will allow the Proudmoores to recover their long-lost prince...
Baine: This is too far!
Sylvanas: They are sure to stage a rescue attempt when they learn of his fate.
Sylvanas: ... so he can slaughter them in their sleep.
Baine: How many times must we forsake our honor?
Sylvanas: There can be only victory or death for us, Baine.
Sylvanas: And death is mine to master.

Derek et Sylvanas

Derek: What... what is this? Why am I... What have you done to me?!
Sylvanas: Why Lord Proudmoore, I've given you a chance to reunite with your family.
<Derek Wailing>
<Derek groans as being revived.>

Thomas Zelling

Player: Zelling, you look disturbed. Is it about Derek Proudmoore's revival?
Zelling: "What have I done? All I wanted was to be with my family, to take care of them and ensure that they had everything they needed. And now...
Zelling: Derek Proudmoore didn't ask for such a fate. He died a hero to all Kul Tirans, and he has earned his rest beneath the tides. To think I had a hand in this... this...
Zelling: Forgive me, $n. We must set this right."


"My father's final act was to invoke de power of Bwonsamdi. De Zandalari are no strangers to calling upon de dead to serve us.
Yet de raising of Derek Proudmoore makes me uneasy. It reminds me of what Zul did to my beloved Rezan... a foul deed dat broke my heart.
De Alliance must be brought to justice for my father's death. But we must not let rage blind us... or make us forget de honor dat makes de Zandalari great."

Sylvanas souhaite faire revenir à la vie Derek Portvaillant.

Sylvanas souhaite faire revenir à la vie Derek Portvaillant.

Baine et l'opposition à Sylvanas

  • Après l'attaque sur Dazar'alor et la destruction de la flotte Zandalari, la Horde est sur le point de perdre la guerre.
  • Baine s'oppose fermement au plan de Sylvanas pour se venger.
  • Baine ne souhaite plus laisser faire Sylvanas. Pour lui, quelque chose doit être fait et vite.
  • Il aimerait engager des dicussions avec l'Alliance.
  • Lorsque Sylvanas relève Derek Portvaillant, Baine considère qu'elle profane la Horde.
  • Valtrois est troublé par le comportement de Sylvanas. Cela lui rappelle l'emprise de la Légion sur les Sacrenuit.
  • Gallywix pense que la revanche de la Horde va faire augmenter ses marges commerciales.
Baine Sabot-de-sang

"I cannot abide this, $n. Each time I think Sylvanas has gone too far, she finds a new line to cross. I have watched her commit one dishonorable act after another.
She desecrates more than the memory of a fallen enemy. She desecrates the Horde itself.
This cannot stand. Something must be done. And soon."


Player: Valtrois, do you have any thoughts about Derek Proudmoore being returned?
Valtrois: "I was skeptical of the Forsaken when I first joined the Horde, but was assured that they chose their state of undeath willingly. This, however...
The nightborne suffered greatly under the Legion's heel. The atrocities I witnessed... it is distressing how much I am reminded of them now. I will leave it at that."


"Ohhhhh, the Alliance is gonna be fumin' over this one! They're gonna come at us, guns blazin'. You know what that means, right?
It means my profit margins on Azerite armor plating are gonna go through the roof! I gotta double--no, triple--my mining operations! It's a good thing I don't pay my goons overtime. Or at all.
Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go see a warchief about supply and demand. Scram!"

De plus en plus de chefs de la Horde mettent en doute les actions de Sylvanas

De plus en plus de chefs de la Horde mettent en doute les actions de Sylvanas


  • Lors de la Bataille de Dazar'alor, Bwonsamdi vient en aide à Rastakhan.
  • Il ressuscite le singe géant Grong après que la Horde l'ait vaincu.
  • Bwonsamdi aide Rastakhan pendant le combat contre l'Alliance.
  • Bwonsamdi fait remarquer à Rastakhan qu'il est trop vieux pour triompher et que sa fille fera peut-être mieux le travail.

Ohhhhhhh, what we got here now? Dis big fella look like him could be useful, eh?
Don't ya be lazy now, ape mon! Get up! Show them invaders dat dey shouldn't be messin' wit ol' Bwonsamdi.

Ya be mighty demandin', Rastakhan! I gonna give ya da power ya seek... but ya better watch your tone.
Ya been king a long time, Rastakhan. Maybe... too long. If ya can't be gettin' da job done, perhaps dat pretty daughter of yours can.

Come on now, spirit! Ya can't let da big monkey have all da fun!
Ya fight better than me expected, outsiders. Mmm... ya gonna make a fine addition to me collection...

Bwonsamdi aide Rastakhan à contenir l'assaut de l'Alliance

Bwonsamdi aide Rastakhan à contenir l'assaut de l'Alliance


  • Les Vulperas sont choqués par la mort de Rastakhan.
  • Ils souhaitent aider les zandalari en ce temps difficiles.
  • L'Alliance travaille discrètement pour saboter les relations entre les Vulperas et la Horde.

"News spead to Vol'dun about Rastakhan's death. I couldn't believe it. I understand the Alliance wants to stop the Horde... but this is too far.
My people will do what we can to help the Zandalari through this difficult time."

"We've no direct fight with the local vulpera, but the Horde is hiring some vulpera caravans to transport supplies to their armies.
We don't know what all is in those shipments, and we can't risk allowing them to reach the Horde armies.
Avoid killing the vulpera if you can.
Use this Sandshock Totem to scare them away from the supplies.
We don't want to start another war with the vulpera. We just need to ensure they never want to work with the Horde again."

"We've no direct fight with the local vulpera, but the Horde is hiring some vulpera caravans to transport supplies to their armies.
I hope we can scare the hired caravan drivers off, and deter them from working with the Horde in the future, without making them our enemies...
War-time diplomacy is never easy."

Tess Grisetête

  • Tyrande fait appel au rituel de la Guerrière de la nuit pour reconquérir Sombrivage.
  • L'Alliance ne lui fournit pas d'aide car elle est occupée sur le front à Zandalar.
  • Tess Grisetête, la fille de Genn, choisit quand même de s'allier aux Elfes de la nuit.

When our people needed a home, the night elves were there to take us in. We will not stand by as they fight to retake their own home. We fight with them!

"My mother nearly lost her life trying to save the people of Darnassus. I will do everything in my power to stop the Horde here in Darkshore.
Some atrocities simply cannot go unanswered."

Tyrande invoque un sombre rituel pour reconquérir Sombrivage

Tyrande invoque un sombre rituel pour reconquérir Sombrivage

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À propos de l'auteur : Zecharia

Zecharia est le co-webmaster de Hearthstone-Decks et Overwatch-World. Il accompagne également régulièrement Mamytwink dans ses vidéos sur YouTube et vous conte également l'histoire de vos cartes Hearthstone favorites.

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