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Battle for Azeroth : de nouveaux dialogues dataminés [SPOILERS]

Mercredi 07 mars 2018 à 11h08, par


Avec la sortie du nouveau build pour Battle for Azeroth, nos confrères de Wowhead ont dataminé plusieurs dialogues intéressants.

Parmi ces derniers, on peut notamment lire une discussion entre Saurcroc et Anduin en marge du conflit qui oppose la Horde et l'Alliance. On remarque aussi que les deux factions espionnent leurs adversaires ou encore que la situation politique à Boralus est épineuse.

Découvrez les dialogues à la suite de cet article. Notez qu'il contient des spoilers qui pourraient vous gâcher l'intrigue.


Scénario de la Horde

  • Sylvanas a un plan qu'elle ne révèle pas à ses conseillers.
  • Il y a un manque de confiance entre Sylvanas et les autres chefs de la Horde.

Our Warchief has requested you for a mission of great importance... and secrecy.
Not even I know its nature yet.
Has the Warchief summoned you?
This doesn't concern you.
How can we aid the Warchief if she keeps things from her advisors?
Perhaps my queen would be more open if she were more assured of their loyalty.
Her advisors are loyal...
... to the Horde.

Ah-- there you are. I was beginning to wonder.
I require the service of what appears to be a rarity-- someone I can trust completely.
Certain members of the Horde seem to feel my recent actions have been... indiscriminate.
But I understand precision very well.
To win this war, the Horde needs allies.
The boy king has something that does not belong to him. I want it back.
You are to infiltrate Stormwind and liberate a political prisoner who could completely change the course of the war-- in our favor.
Are you up to the task?

Discussion entre Anduin et Saurcroc

  • Saurcroc est capturé lors du siège de Fossoyeuse.
  • La discussion prend place avant son emprisonnement, lorsqu'il est capturé par l'Alliance.

Anduin : En arrière, Saurcroc. La fardeau de cette guerre n'est pas seulement le votre, et il n'y a pas d'honneur à vous tuer.
Saurcroc : Comment ose-tu me donner des leçons garçon ? Tu ne sais rien de l'honneur. Je ne serai JAMAIS abattu ! Je mange, dors, et meurs par l'épée. Quel prix avez-vous payé pour votre peuple ?
Anduin : Mon père a tout donné pour l'Alliance. La question est, êtes-vous prêt à faire de même ?

Saurcroc est capturé par les forces de l'Alliance.

Saurcroc est capturé par les forces de l'Alliance.

Boralus et Katherine Portvaillant

  • Katherine Portvaillant est la mère de Jaina.
  • Lorsque l'Alliance arrive à Kul Tiras, Jaina est exilée.
  • Katherine Portvaillant refuse d'aider l'Alliance avec sa flotte.
  • Katherine Portvaillant est amie avec la compagnie Corsandre au début des quêtes.
  • Corsandre trahit Portvaillant.
  • L'Alliance aide Katherine Portvaillant à reconquérir Boralus, la capitale de Kul Tiras.

What is going on in there? It sounds like a riot! Oof, and you smell like a porter's pantaloons.
Here we are - Boralus Harbor. Aside from Proudmoore Keep, it's the most heavily guarded part of the city. And the only place most visitors ever get to see.
I spend a lot of time in here pestering travelers to tell me their stories. Especially folks from the Eastern Kingdoms!
She's beautiful isn't she? Cyrus gave her to me when she was just a hatchling.
Well that wraps up the tour. Time for you to meet Cyrus!
You'll need a ferry pass from the Harbormaster. That won't be a problem.
This ferry connects to stations all along the interior coast of the sound.
Believe me, I know the feeling. We'll fly soon, alright?
The market hosts merchants from all over Azeroth. There are many taverns, but this one's my favorite!

They have steadily amassed power over the years since Daelin's passing. Pretty much everybody works for them in one way or another. Even the gangs.
Ashvane controls our wealth. The Ashvane Trading Company holds almost all of the official state contracts for trade and manufacturing.
The Proudmoores run the military. The city guard and marines all answer to Lord Admiral Katherine Proudmoore. Technically, she rules the entire nation.
Kul Tiras is made up of several major houses. Here in Boralus, the power is mainly split between Proudmoore and Ashvane.

The Waycrest family used to be strong supporters of Proudmoore rule, but lately all we hear from the west are troubling rumors of blighted lands and bloody witch hunts.
Now unless the Alliance is suffering a crippling cabbage famine, I suspect you're interested in the fleet. Bad news...
We have no idea where it is. The Tidesages have withdrawn into their monasteries, but seem unable - or unwilling - to guide the fleet home.
We won't be much use in a war without their iron.

Katherine will never agree to join the Alliance as long as she trusts Lady Ashvane. Even if she did, we can hardly help you fight the Horde without iron and ships.
Katherine bears an immense burden. It's no wonder Jaina's return was so hard on her.
No. Your children never really leave you.
She mourns her husband, but she also lost her daughter that day at Theramore.

King Greymane, it's an honor. You are free to remain in the harbor on my authority, and you may use my office as your war room.
Taelia! Prepare to brief our guests on the situation in Drustvar and Stormsong Valley.

Katherine Proudmoore turned us away and had her own daughter cast out as a traitor.
So why are you helping us?
Hmph... Let me tell you a story.
Many years ago I was in a battle - well, I was in several battles, but this story is about one in particular.
An orcish juggernaut struck our transport. Splinters from the gunnel ripped across the deck and found their way into the man next to me. A friend of mine.
His wound should have been a ticket home, but he was ashamed to leave the war before we'd finished it. So, he patched himself up and lied to the medics.
Days later my friend died in his bunk, screaming and drenched in sweat. His wounds had closed, but infection had set in. By the time he asked for help, it was too late.

Katherine Proudmoore has her people's best interest in mind, but she is misguided. Kul Tiras still bears the scars of the Third War - nobody knows this better than Katherine.
What she cannot see is the infection that has been allowed to fester and spread throughout our kingdom.
I will stay quiet no longer. We need the Alliance as badly as you need us - perhaps more.
Wise words. We shall prove to Katherine Proudmoore the truth that I myself learned at great cost.

Stand down! Don't you know who that is?
But sir... Lady Ashvane ordered-
Lady Ashvane? Do you serve Lady Ashvane? Is that Lady Ashvane's crest upon your shield?
No! You serve Kul Tiras! You wear the crest of Proudmoore! And you take your orders from ME.

La cité de Boralus en proie à une situation politique épineuse

La cité de Boralus en proie à une situation politique épineuse

Image de Boralus-guide 1
Image de Boralus-guide 1
Image de Boralus-guide 1
Image de Boralus-guide 1
Image de Boralus-guide 1
Image de Boralus-guide 1

Nains Marteau-hardi

  • Le clan Marteau-hardi a été décimé dans les hautes-terres du crépuscule.
  • Des nains se sont exilés et ont élu domicile à Kul Tiras.

What's a Wildhammer dwarf doing out here?

"My clan was wiped out by the Twilight's Hammer. The only reason I escaped was because my brother Keeland sent me away on his gryphon. Saved me life.

Traveled most of the world before I settled 'ere in Kul Tiras. Found these folks hunting gryphons for meat and pelts. I showed them there was another way. Now they're the next generation of gryphon riders.

Don't think I'll return home. This is my clan now."

La Horde espionne Drustvar

  • Drustvar est une zone de quêtes de l'Alliance.
  • Des espions de la Horde s'y rendent pour collecter des informations.

It seems the coven here has "employed" the manor's chefs to create rather unsavory dishes. It would best to eliminate them as soon as possible.
One of the coven's top witches is sacrificing acolytes in an effort to gain more power. Destroy her and show this group that only the Dark Lady holds dominion over death.
A large crow has been charmed by this coven for use against the villagers. While I have no love lost for the residents of Drustvar, its feathers would make for excellent fletches for our dark rangers.

Alright fellas, hop on the hog. It's time to go see what this Drustvar place is all about... and how we can profit from it.
Profit is a secondary concern. Our primary mission is to gather intel so we can gain an advantage over the Alliance.
Pfsh. I'm only here for the azerite. Whatever recon you wanna do is your own prerogative.

La Horde a déployé ses espions dans la zone de Drustvar

La Horde a déployé ses espions dans la zone de Drustvar

L'Alliance espionne Nazmir

We sent Captain Conrad ahead to build a fort. They say the blood trolls here might even be willin' ta trade, but I cannae imagine that'd come at a price worth payin'.
Still, this here's a land that works 'gainst the Zandalari and their Horde associates. The enemy of yer enemy is yer... wait, what's that sayin'?
No matter. Look. Listen. Keep those sharp eyes peeled. Unforgivin' lands aren't known ta forgive the unwary, $n.
And... eugh... keep yer nostrils pinched. What's that foul-as-death rottin' stench?
Looks like our welcome party is here. Harry's an interestin' one. Don't pay him no mind.
Welcome! Welcome!
We've been expecting you, our esteemed advisors and future fast friends.
Captain Conrad left me with instructions.
Where's the Captain?
Ah! Ah ha! Right to the point, yes, yes. Not to worry! All is in order. Let's retire to safer environs behind our fort's walls, yes?
Alright, no sign o' the Captain then. What's goin' on?
Nothing untoward, I assure you! Our glorious Captain is off negotiating trade agreements with the local trolls.
Heard they were savages wot practice bloody sacrifices.
Oh heavens! Well, indeed, yes. I suppose that is accurate, mmm. But Captain Conrad is a glory to behold. Impressive, no doubt.
Trade agreements with trolls! We even have bats prepared to send another trade offering to Zala'mar.
Blast that! They won't get another red copper from us before me an' $n go see what's what.
What's this all about, Harry?! Those offerin's you were sendin'... The soldiers were sacrificed! Blood drained from their bodies like a mug o' ale at Brewfest.
<Harry's blood drains from his face.>
My... oh my goodness. Surely the esteemed Captain Conrad had no knowledge of these macabre circumstances.
Knowledge or no, it's time to get to the bottom o' this. Where'd this Captain head off to?
Zul'Nazman, I believe. Or Tul'vor? In fact I believe they are one in the same. Or nearly so.
Captain Conrad... is well, I trust?
WELL?! That lassie was madder than a murloc on moon mead. Tried to sacrifice our lovely $c here to some blood god called G'huun.
Oh dear. That is much worse than I feared. My deepest apologies for putting you in such a risky situation, sir Bronzebeard.
Eh, not the worst I've seen. Still a sad story, though. We'll need to dispatch a messenger to let the High Commander know what transpired.

L'Alliance a conclu un pacte avec les trolls de sang de Nazmir.

L'Alliance a conclu un pacte avec les trolls de sang de Nazmir.

Magni et Azeroth

  • Magni est celui qui donne aux joueurs le coeur d'Azeroth.
  • Ses efforts sont focalisés sur Azeroth. Il ne prend pas part à la guerre.

Champion, come see me at once, Azeroth has been whisperin' something... your name!
Magni, I'm ready to speak to Azeroth. Magni, I'm ready to speak to Azeroth.

Our world needs us, champion.
Azeroth cries out in pain.
Our world must be healed!
Remember yer duty ta Azeroth.
Ye mean ta tell me there's an ENORMOUS sword stabbed into the heart o' the planet... and ye've got time ta sit around pokin' me fer a laugh? GET BACK TA WORK!
I know ye need te go help in this war, $n. Just make sure ye keep that amulet safe... we'll need it.

Magni vous remet le coeur d'Azeroth

Magni vous remet le coeur d'Azeroth

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À propos de l'auteur : Zecharia

Zecharia est le co-webmaster de Hearthstone-Decks et Overwatch-World. Il accompagne également régulièrement Mamytwink dans ses vidéos sur YouTube et vous conte également l'histoire de vos cartes Hearthstone favorites.

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Commentaires (49)

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  • 264 messages

"Un accord entre l'Alliance et les Trolls de sang est conclu." Ah bah bien l'Alliance qui s'allie avec des trolls de sang ... Vous l'avez maintenant votre prochaine race alliée ! x)
Citation de CocoFrosties"Un accord entre l'Alliance et les Trolls de sang est conclu." Ah bah bien l'Alliance qui s'allie avec des trolls de sang ... Vous l'avez maintenant votre prochaine race alliée ! x)

En vrais sa peut être sympa mes sa m'étonnerais car pourquoi on irais les massacrer aussi exemple a Uldir xD
  • 951 messages

Citation de CocoFrosties"Un accord entre l'Alliance et les Trolls de sang est conclu." Ah bah bien l'Alliance qui s'allie avec des trolls de sang ... Vous l'avez maintenant votre prochaine race alliée ! x)

Je pense que ça va faire comme avec les totem sinistres aux serres rocheuse, une alliance de circonstances.

Juste les marteau hardi qui se sont fait massacrer
C'est quoi cette histoire ?
  • 452 messages

Si les trolls de sang nous rejoignent dans l'alliance...ce serait une horreur de les voir se balader dans nos capitales ou même combattre à nos côtés...

Je préfère voir les marteau hardi... ou même les vulpera.

Après ça contre contre balancerait les races alliées de la horde et au final il y aurait bien 2 races totalement différentes des races de base des deux côtés.

Sacrenuits et zandalari pour la horde
Elfe du vide et troll de sang dans l'alliance... mais j'espère que ce sera autre chose !

Ce n'est que mon avis!
  • 838 messages

Comme dit au dessus, je pense qu'il s'agit d'une alliance de circonstances. L'Alliance déteste les trolls.

Comme dit dans le dialogue : "l'ennemi de mon ennemi est... quoi encore ?" :D

Bref, aucun risque de voir les Trolls débarquer dans l'Alliance. Je vous rappelle quand même qu'ils sont aux ordres des Dieux très anciens.
  • 198 messages

Nan mais quels genres de conneries on peut lire, c'est dingue xD
Les trolls de sang dans l'Alliance ? Seriously ? Vous êtes tant désespérés que ça ?! XD
Vous faîtes pitié, je suis désolé. ;(
  • 452 messages

Citation de ZogashNan mais quels genres de conneries on peut lire, c'est dingue xD
Les trolls de sang dans l'Alliance ? Seriously ? Vous êtes tant désespérés que ça ?! XD
Vous faîtes pitié, je suis désolé. ;(

Je ne l'espère pas et ne le souhaite pas. C'est sûrement un troll !
  • 89 messages

Citation de Xeno
Citation de CocoFrosties"Un accord entre l'Alliance et les Trolls de sang est conclu." Ah bah bien l'Alliance qui s'allie avec des trolls de sang ... Vous l'avez maintenant votre prochaine race alliée ! x)

Je pense que ça va faire comme avec les totem sinistres aux serres rocheuse, une alliance de circonstances.

Juste les marteau hardi qui se sont fait massacrer
C'est quoi cette histoire ?

Totalement d'accord pour l'Alliance de circonstances par contre je comprends toujours pas le "massacre" des marteaux Hardis, si quelqu'un a une explication.
  • 1130 messages

À quoi ca sert d'éradiquer le marteau du crépuscule à Cata pour le voir réapparaître et defoncer les marteaux hardis... j'adore trop cette zone pour la perdre !!
Ça me donne au moins un un peu d'espoir pour la race alliée marteau hardi que j'attend depuis la Blizzcon. En revanche ce dialogue bien trop léger me donne l'impression qu'on croisera juste un nain à kul tiras, qu'on pourra lui parler et c'est tout.
  • 142 messages

Citation de ZogashNan mais quels genres de conneries on peut lire, c'est dingue xD
Les trolls de sang dans l'Alliance ? Seriously ? Vous êtes tant désespérés que ça ?! XD
Vous faîtes pitié, je suis désolé. ;(

Pas obligé d'être aussi condescendant hein.
Perso je dirais pas non à une race plus "bestiale" dans l'Alliance, même si je préférerais voir débarquer des taurens par exemple (mentalité+skin, j'avoue). Mais effectivement pour les trolls de sang j'y crois pas trop non plus étant donné leur rôle ...

M'enfin si déjà les Marteaux-Hardis pouvaient nous rejoindre ça serait cool !

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